Our History

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The History of The
Crown Point Panthers / Jr Bulldogs Football League

  1. New Construction

    New Construction being done at the fields with 2 New Turf Fields going in & a New Building being put up. The league expands to 2 more teams Panthers & Bears with 650 players. The league now has 12 teams in both Little & Middle age groups. There are now 10 teams in the Big age group.

    New Construction 2011
  2. League Adds 2 More Teams

    The league expands to 2 more teams, the Eagles & the Chargers with 580 players signed up this year. The league now has 10 teams in both the Little & Middle age group. There are 8 teams in the Big age group.

  3. 8 Teams for The League

    The League has a total of 8 teams in the Little, Middle & Big age group. The Teams are Raiders, Knights, Devils, Hornets, Wolves, Vikings, Hawks, Tigers.

  4. League Add 2 More Teams

    The League expands 2 more teams, Hawks & Tigers for a total of 8 teams in both the Little & Middle age group. Ron Goodman gets our New Field & Practice Lights Donated.

  5. Ron Goodman Joins The League

  6. League Suffers Loss

    The league suffers another loss, as Ted "The Old Man" Byrd passes away. He is greatly missed.

  7. Ed Wilbourn Joins The League

  8. League Puchases New Equipment

    Ted Byrd & Scott Shahbaz signed a personal note for $52,000.00 to buy new equipment for the league. The current teams are now the Raiders, Knights, Devils & Green Hornets.

  9. League Continues to Grow

    The league has grown to the point where it moves to its present format of 3 age groups. The Little 7, 8, & 9 playing 8-man football,  the Middle 10 & 11, and Big Division 12, 13 & 14. with all the teams playing a full game. The current teams were the Rebels, Knights, Hornets, and Devils.

  10. League Looses a Good Friend

    The league looses a good friend John "Mack" Mecklenburg passes away. Scott Shahbaz rejoins the league to coach the Hornets after coming back from the Military and being a former player.

  11. Scott Shahbaz Starts Coaching with The Eagles.

  12. League Moves and Expands

    The league moves to its current location from where Little League Baseball is at the present. The league expands to 2 more teams the Blazers & the Chargers.

  13. League Aquires Ted Byrd

    Ted Byrd joins the Panthers and there is now 185 players with 6 teams. With the Little teams playing only 1 quarter. The current teams are the Knights, Raiders, Rebels, Eagles, Hornets and Devils.

    1977 Ted Byrd news article
  14. League Grows to 160 Players

  15. League Puchases Field Lights

    Purchased lights for the field and the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers ( I.B.E.W ) donated their time to install them. Games were played at the Crown Point Little League field just south of the Major Field.

    Panthers now have 150 players and 6 teams Knights, Raiders, Rebels, Eagles, Hornets, and Devils.

  16. League Leaves Pop Warner

    Panthers leave the Pop Warner league to form their own League. They now have 4 teams Knights, Raiders, Rebels, and Eagles.

  17. League Holds Elections

    John Mecklenburg is elected President and secretary. Betty Mecklenburg Vice President, Treasurer.

  18. League is Incorporated

    League is incorporated in Indiana as a non-profit and as a tax-exempt corporation.

    President Leslie Gumbiner with 60 players and 2 teams the Panther Varsity and Cubs.

  19. John Mecklenburg joins the League

  20. Panthers was Founded

    Panthers were founded by James Clarke, Lesie Gumbiner, and Jack Bixeman with 35 players and one team. The first coaches were Jack Bixeman, Vince Loosemore, and Herman Knesek. Games were played at the Crown Point Little League field just south of the Major Field.